No-one in the tech world have expected that Apple would launch its iPad Mini with Retina Display in such an inglorious manner. But Apple always has a tendency to surprise the world with its unpredictable moves. An announcement from the company officials has led people to think that this ipad 4 case will be unveiled in the last week of November. But, they have done it in the previous week in an inglorious and quite way. However, the limited stock has restricted people to blow their hand on this much anticipated device, but reviewers did not laid back like others. Now let?EUR(TM)s enter the world of iPad Mini with Retina Display to unlock the mystery that Apple has kept secured for the worldwide tech lovers.
At first glance it is the wisest idea to make a list of its features, advantages and disadvantages before going too deep.
Prime Features
The KIDS IPAD 4 CASE with Retina Display is equipped with 7.9 inch Retina Display that has resolution of 2048 X 1536.
It has developed four different storage based models whose are 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB and 128 GB. The pricing has also been set on the basis of storage capacity.
It is equipped with A7 Processor.
This device of Apple provides 10 hour continuous battery life on Wi-Fi usage.
802.11n dual-channel Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0 are the two supporting pillars of this iPad of Apple.
Such a high resolution display keeping the slim and sophisticated look.
With the power backup from 64 bit A7 processor, things remain smooth and delightful.
As the overall dimension of this KIDS IPAD 4 CASE has taken new shape the accessories of first generation may not compatible with it.
Price goes higher than its predecessors.
Is the Slim Look gone?
The users, who already had the taste of Apple iPad Mini, will not find any major difference while they will go for iPad Mini with Retina Display. That is why the question of shape has grabbed the first place of discussion as some differences between these two iPads are being found in this area. Firstly, you can immediately feel the difference of weight between these two when you take both the phones in hand. Reports have suggested that this phone is at least 7.5% heavier and 4% thicker than its brother. Though the difference in weight has been caught immediately, but Apple has not compromised with the slim look of iPad Mini. You cant really spot any such visual difference if you put these two phones sidewise and compare them in terms of thickness. The ultra-portable skin of this new device is not going to disappoint the users in any ways.
In comparison with iPad Air
While going through its features, many reviewers thought device has some noticeable resemblance with Google Nexus 7. But, still it is one step ahead from Nexus 7 in terms of screen size. The iPad Mini with Retina Display is equipped with almost 34% bigger screen size than that of Nexus 7. On the other hand, this device can be compared with its own neighbor iPad Air. It gives a strong competition to the iPad Mini regarding thickness and weight. This is evident that iPad Air is much heavier than iPad Mini, but with its slimmer build it becomes a clear winner. But, performance wise iPad Mini with Retina Display beats iPad Air without any doubt with its high resolution display and faster performance. People may find more comfort and ease if they go for this new device of Apple.
This iPad has already replaced the previous black colored devices by Apple with its charismatic silver grey appearance. Moreover, with features like MIMO capabilities, Face-Time calls, exclusive apps, ravishing colored cases it has the ability of replacing many other existing tablets in the market today. The price may pose a big deal for the consumers before they go for this device as Apple has set $399 as the starting price. But, this is also quite obvious that those who genuinely love to derive the ultimate pleasure of a tablet will not be far behind to get their hands on it.